Hello! I'm Chad, a software engineering manager based in Nashville, TN USA
Follow along with my blog of coding projects and the occassional travel adventure. Check my most recent project and my blog posts on develooping it in the AI Playground series below.
Select Blog Series:
Dev Blog
AI Playground
Headless CMS Integration
July 13, 2023Let's try setting up an external CMS for content to load into my blog website.
Speed up with Generative AI
July 15, 2023Github Copilot and ChatGPT are my new friends to get work done faster
#3: Learn OpenAI essentials
August 10, 2023This task is a spike to learn and experiment with how to write code that calls the OpenAI API
#4 Server-side API setup
August 12, 2023Now this task is to code up a production worthy server-side api to call OpenAI for the Left-Right Game
#5 User Auth & Usage Limits
August 16, 2023My final task was to implement user authentication and site usage limits to prevent bots or humans from spamming costly openai api calls